Amiga Plus 2000 #4
Amiga Plus CD - 2000 - No. 4.iso
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CAMD libraries and examples
Developer Archive version: $VER: camddev 37.1 (14.2.94)
CAMD is a MIDI library based on midi code from Carnegie-Mellon University.
First - Thanks to everyone who worked on CAMD including:
Roger B. Dannenberg, Jean-Christophe Dhellemmes,
Bill Barton, David Joiner, Joe Pearce, and Darius Taghavy
The CAMD and realtime libraries provide applications with a sharable
way to get excellent MIDI processing and time handling. This removes
the need for individual MIDI applications to take over system timers,
and makes it possible for separately written applications to process
each other's MIDI streams. Realtime.library uses one available timer
and provides high precision timing to multiple applications. CAMD uses
realtime.library and provide MIDI-specific functionality.
Midi device drivers are placed in a DEVS:midi directory. CAMD has a
built-in driver for the normal Amiga serial port ("internal").
We provide the internal.asm source as an example. A Checkpoint driver
is also included. I believe Deluxe Music Construction Set II comes with
a driver for the OneStopMusicShop.
The Prefs/MidiPorts preference editor should be placed in your Prefs
directory. Use it to set your hardware MIDI output port to the driver
for your hardware (internal is the default).
See the lib/camdlist.lib and camdlist.doc. Camdlist.lib can be linked
with to provide your application with a list requester of other ports.
If used, this can allow your application to select rendevous points
for its MIDI input and output.
Important! About the Libraries
Before installing camd.library, please be aware that the earliest
beta versions of this library were incompatible with the current library.
Any tools written to use the earliest betas of this library may crash
with the current library. Camd.library requires iffparse.library
and realtime.library.
The realtime.library in libs/ is for any system that does not already
have realtime.library. This is a special version of realtime.library
which is 1.3 and upwards compatible AND has the same heartbeat as the
Workbench 3.1 realtime.library.
The iffparse.library in libs/ is for any system which does not already
have iffparse.library. It is an early version which is 1.3 compatible.
Camd.library requires iffparse.library.
Do not install a library if system already has a newer version of that